Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tommy Guerrero - Living Dirt

Just got this import. Pick it up if you can. Cover design by Struggle Inc. Goodtimes.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sarah and Wes wedding invite follow-up...

Got these in the mail on Saturday, Sarah and Wes did a really nice job finishing up the invites I did for them. Nice to see how they finished up the package and brought it all together. Great job! These look smooth as shit.

Wow! Gorgeous! Custom Ring work.

I was asked to help my friends Mari and Dee a few month's back with some custom pattern work for their engagement ring. Got these photo's yesterday on how the ring turned out. Speechless, the ring is gorgeous. Can't wait to do something like that again.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Some new Wedding Invitations...

As nerve racking as it can be designing for a friends wedding, these were fun to do. Best wishes to Sarah and Wes!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Dirty South...

There are a slew of run down buildings along 95 South through S. Carolina, Georgia, and Florida as well as some gems.