Monday, April 20, 2009

On The Money on CBS

Check out the cbs2 Chicago interview with a few members of On The money Magazine, there's a little snippet of the Spring Cover I worked on, give it up for these kids!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Present - By Thomas Campbell

Mr. Campbell has a new film out now called "The Present" Be sure to check this one out, looks great!

Monday, April 06, 2009


Do check out Adam Carollas pod casts. If you were ever a fan of LoveLine, you'll probably love this. Just great comedy.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

PJ & Holly's Wedding Invites-ish

Been a pleasure working on this stuff, here's a couple sneak peeks of the progress. Got everything last week, started putting it together this week. Had to cut some card stock for border backgrounds, make-shift jig on the paper cutter. Goodtimes! Need invites? Holla at me.

On The Money Teens Magazine

On The Money is a non-profit, by Teens for Teens magazine in Chicago. The magazine focuses on financial knowledge and gives teens a voice. I've been lending my time/resources to them for the past two issues. Please support any local organization that tries to help people other than themselves, especially teens that will be dealing with our future economic disaster.
Damn O'conomy!

Cody Hudson & Corey Arnold @ Andrew Rafacz Gallery

Crap photos, could have been the free Grolsh, would have been more crap photos but the battery died on my camera...